Jumat, 07 November 2008

Rute Penerbangan

Ibu2 dan Bapak2 ysh,

Mohon petunjuk sekali lagi.

Untuk menentukan rute suatu pesawat penumpang sipil dari kota A ke kota B, pertimbangannya apa saja? Landasan teorinya bagaimana?

Terima kasih banyak. Merdeka!!!


Rute penerbangan ditentukan sama seperti hal lain dalam aviation:

1. Safety. Yang jelas tidak boleh ada terrain yang terlalu tinggi melampaui kemampuan terbang pesawat. Pesawat dengan 2 engine juga tidak boleh terbang lebih jauh dari 1 jam penerbangan dengan kondisi OEI (one engine inoperative) dari suitable alternate airport. Endurance pesawat juga menentukan panjang sektor yang bisa diterbangi atau technical stop untuk refuelling.

2. Ekonomis. Semakin lurus, mengikuti great circle, semakin hemat bahan bakar dan semakin cepat sampai. Untuk great circle silahkan lihat di wikipedia atau encarta di Navigation.

3. Traffic flow. Pada rute tertentu yang sangat padat seperti
jakarta - surabaya pesawat diharuskan terbang pada rute yang berbeda. Yah semacam jalan searah. Ini urusannya department perhubungan. Department perhubungan mengeluarkan enroute chart yang harus diikuti oleh semua penerbangan sipil dan militer (di masa damai). Airways dilengkapi dengan Navigation Aids seperti VOR, DME dan NDB. Dephub juga mengeluarkan minimum enroute altitude (MEA) untuk setiap airway. khusus seperti Training Area, Air Defense Identification Zone, Danger Area dan Restricted area juga harus diperhitungkan


Leo Yudianto Nugroho
ATP/B737, MD80/90

Bung mac,

Jawabannya tergantung pada apa sebenarnya yang ditanyakan. Misalnya saja anda seorang milyarder baru, bisa menyewa beberapa pesawat yang tidak terlalu mahal dan tidak terlalu tua. Lalu anda ingin tahu, sebaiknya jenis pesawat apa (berapa penumpang, jarak tempuh etc) yang perlu disewa dan digunakan untuk melayani rute2 mana saja. Katakan karena anda orang Surabaya maka kantor pusat anda ada di Surabaya dan pesawat2 anda akan melayani kebutuhan transportasi udara dari Surabaya ke semua penjuru Indonesia. Bagaimana caranya menentukan sebaiknya kota2 mana saja yg anda layani dengan pesawat2 anda, dan bagaimana penjadwalannya, sehari 3 kali atau seminggu 2 kali saja etc etc.

Masalah seperti ini memang adalah masalah nyata. Misalnya saja Tiger Airways milik Singapura punya 6 pesawat yg dioperasikan di Australia, yaitu pesawat2 Boeing 737-800 kalau tak salah. Tentu mereka harus membuat analisis yang cermat tentang kota2 mana saja di Australia yg akan dilayani, dan kota mana yg dijadikan pusat operasi. Lion Air yang berkongsi dengan perusahaan Australia (lupa namanya) kalau tak salah juga akan menggunakan 9 (?) pesawat 737-900 barunya utk melayani rute2 di Australia.

Masalah ini jelas tidak mudah dan melibatkan ilmu ekonomi disamping ilmu teknik dan mungkin juga ilmu matematika (operation research), psychology dan entah apa lagi. Jadi jawaban dari pertanyaan anda hanya dapat diperoleh dengan kuliah di MIT atau universitas2 lain yang memberikan kuliah dibidang itu. Untuk sekedar mempelajarinya sendiri, silahkan baca diktat kuliah di MIT-OCW yg gratis. Dibawah ini disampaikan alamat situs web MIT-OCW untuk jurusan Aeronautics dan Astronautics. Mungkin bahan kuliah yang anda inginkan ada dimata kuliah Airline management atau Airline Schedule planning ataupun Logistical and Tranportation Planning Method, atau cari sendirilah didaftar yg ada dibawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat dan anda berhasil mendapatkan informasi yg dibutuhkan



Aeronautics and Astronautics

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Updated within the past 180 days

MIT Course #

Course Title



Introduction to Aerospace Engineering and Design

Spring 2003


Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV

Fall 2005


Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV

Fall 2005


Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV

Fall 2005


Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV

Fall 2005


Thermal Energy

Fall 2002


Principles of Automatic Control

Fall 2003



Fall 2004



Fall 2005


Compressible Flow

Spring 2003


Aerodynamics of Viscous Fluids

Fall 2003


Structural Mechanics

Fall 2002


Techniques for Structural Analysis and Design

Spring 2005


Computational Mechanics of Materials

Fall 2003



Plates and Shells

Spring 2007


Estimation and Control of Aerospace Systems

Spring 2004



Feedback Control Systems

Fall 2007


Stochastic Estimation and Control

Fall 2004


Principles of Optimal Control

Spring 2006


Aircraft Stability and Control

Fall 2004


Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems

Fall 2003


Software Engineering Concepts

Fall 2005


System Safety

Spring 2005


Communication Systems Engineering

Spring 2003


Data Communication Networks

Fall 2002


Infinite Random Matrix Theory

Fall 2004


Random Matrix Theory and Its Applications

Spring 2004


Principles of Autonomy and Decision Making

Fall 2005


Cognitive Robotics

Spring 2005


Principles of Autonomy and Decision Making

Fall 2005


Human Supervisory Control of Automated Systems

Spring 2004


Aerospace Biomedical and Life Support Engineering

Spring 2006


Rocket Propulsion

Fall 2005


Space Propulsion

Spring 2004


Internal Flows in Turbomachines

Spring 2006


Aerospace Dynamics

Spring 2003


Experimental Projects I

Spring 2003


Experimental Projects II

Fall 2003


Inventions and Patents

Fall 2005


Management in Engineering

Fall 2004


Prototyping Avionics

Spring 2006


Air Traffic Control

Fall 2006


Airline Management

Spring 2006


Logistical and Transportation Planning Methods

Fall 2004


Logistical and Transportation Planning Methods

Fall 2006


Airline Schedule Planning

Spring 2003


Engineering Design and Rapid Prototyping

January (IAP) 2005


Engineering Design and Rapid Prototyping

January (IAP) 2007


The Aerospace Industry

Spring 2004


Space Systems Engineering

Spring 2002


Satellite Engineering

Fall 2003


Integrating the Lean Enterprise

Fall 2005


Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis

Spring 2007


System Safety

Spring 2005


Robust System Design

Summer 1998


Aircraft Systems Engineering

Fall 2004


Aircraft Systems Engineering

Fall 2005


Air Transportation Systems Architecting

Spring 2004


Multidisciplinary System Design Optimization

Spring 2004


Space Policy Seminar

Spring 2003


Space System Architecture and Design

Fall 2004


Engineering Apollo: The Moon Project as a Complex System

Spring 2007



Space Systems Engineering

Spring 2007


Computational Methods in Aerospace Engineering

Spring 2005


Introduction to Numerical Simulation (SMA 5211)

Fall 2003


Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (SMA 5212)

Spring 2003


Computational Geometry

Spring 2003


Proseminar in Manufacturing

Fall 2005

Bung mac,

Dibawah ini disampaikan judul2 mata kuliah bidang Airline management dari MIT-OCW yg dapat anda download gratisan. Anda juga diperbolehkan menerjemahkannya dalam bahasa Indonesia dan menggunakannya sebagai bahan kuliah. MIT hanya minta supaya anda menulis dibagian depannya bahwa bahan kuliah itu adalah terjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia dari mata kuliah yg diberikan gratis di MIT-OCW.

Semoga informasi ini membantu anda memperoleh jawaban dari pertanyaan 2 anda. MIT-OCW juga memberikan seluruh mata kuliahnya secara gratis online. kalau tak salah ada juga beberapa universitas terkenal lainnya yg melakukan hal yg sama , tetapi MIT adalah yg pertama dan menjadi motor penggeraknya. Ada sekumpulan universitas ternama yg bergabung dalam usaha memberikan bahan kuliah terbaik yg ada didunia supaya bisa digunakan secara gratis oleh universitas2 lain didunia. Universitas2 ternama itu, kalau taka salah adalah beberapa universitas terkemuka di Amrik, Cina dan Jepang. mungkin juga ada universitas di Inggris yg melakukan hal yg sama. Cranfield kalau tak salah memberikan sebagian dari bahan kuliahnya gratis online. Kalau tak salah bahkan Oxford dan Cambridge juga melakukan hal yg sama. begitu juga Bristol seingat saya. Jadi tidak ada penghambat untuk bisa memberikan bahan kuliah yg sama baik di STTA ataupun di MIT! Terserah pada dosennya, bersedia memeras otak dan menghabiskan tenaga dan waktu utk menyerap informasi yg ada, menterjemahkannya dalam bhs Indonesia dan mengilahnya supaya bisa disampaikan kepada para mahasiswa dalam bentuk yang menarik minat mahasiswa untuk mempelajarinya secara serius. Tak ada alasan utk mengatakan bahwa mutu kuliah jelek karena buku2nya sangat mahal, jadi tidak bisa mengakses informasi terbaru dan terbaik didunia. Informasi itu ada dan dapat diperoleh secara gratis lewat internet.







Course Introduction

- Review of Syllabus and Subject Requirements
- Introduction to Airline Planning Processes and Systems

Introduction to the Airline Planning Process (PDF)


Airline Economics Review

- Demand and Market Share Models
- Differential Pricing and Revenues

Airline Economics Review (PDF)


Operating Costs and Productivity

- Components of Airline Operating Costs
- Measures of Aircraft and Labor Productivity

Operating Costs and Productivity (PDF)


Load and Spill Analysis

- Demand Stochasticity and Flight Leg "Spill Models"
- Estimation of Unconstrained Demand

Load Factor Analysis (PDF)# (Courtesy of Boeing. Used with permission.)

Airline Demand Analysis and Spill Modeling (PDF)


Airline Schedule Development

- Network Supply Definitions and Concepts
- Timetable Development Issues and Constraints

Airline Schedule Development (PDF)


Passenger Choice Models

- Decision Window Market Share Model
- Consumer Choice of Path/Fare Options

Introduction to PODS Passenger Choice Models (PDF)

Decision Window Model (PDF)# (Courtesy of Boeing. Used with permission.)


Introduction to ePODS Airline Management Game

- Baseline Networks and Schedules
- Overview of Inputs and Outputs

ePODS Airline Management Educational Game (PDF)


ePODS Work Session

- Present and Discuss Baseline ePODS Results
- Software Installation and Instructions


Fleet Assignment Optimization (Prof. Barnhart)

- Incorporation of Spill and Recapture Rates
- Leg Independent vs. Itinerary-based Approaches

Airline Fleet Assignment (PDF) (Courtesy of Cynthia Barnhart. Used with permission.)


ePODS Work Session

- Presentation of Round 1 Input Strategies
- Results: Initial Fleet Assignment


Route Planning and Network Strategies

- Route
Evaluation in Hub Networks
- Route
Profitability Estimation Issues

Route Planning and Evaluation (PDF)


ePODS Work Session

- Presentation of Round 2 Input Strategies
- Results: Hub Schedule Shifts and Fleet Assignment


Scheduling and Operational Constraints

- Aircraft Rotations and Irregular Operations
- Demand Driven Dispatch - Flexible Fleet Assignment

Demand Driven Dispatch (PDF)#


ePODS Work Session

- Presentation of Round 3 Input Strategies
- Results: Route Selection and Evaluation


Mid-Term Exam (In Class)


Airline Fleet Planning Issues

- Commercial Aircraft Categories and Characteristics
- Technical and Performance Characteristics
- Implications for Fleet Changes in ePODS

Airline Fleet Planning Models (PDF)


AMG Work Session

- Presentation of Round 4 Input Strategies
- Results: Impacts of Fleet Changes


Revenue Management Concept and Models

- Introduction to Seat Inventory Control Process
- EMSR Flight Leg Optimization

Introduction to Revenue Management: Flight Leg Revenue Optimization (PDF)


Overbooking Methods

- Overview of Theory and Current Practice
- Evolution of Probabilistic/Cost-Based Models

Flight Overbooking: Models and Practice (PDF)


O-D/Network Seat Inventory Control

- Network Optimization Models
- O-D Control Development in Practice

Network Revenue Management: Origin-Destination Control (PDF)


ePODS Work Session

- Presentation of Round 5 Input Strategies
- Results: Full-up Scheduling and Route Selection


Open Session

- Guest Lecture on Pricing/RM


Airline Pricing Structures and Strategies

- Differential Pricing and Fare Restrictions
- Implications for Price Changes in ePODS

Pricing Challenges: ePODS and Reality (PDF)


Airline Revenue Management Systems

- Evolution of Capabilities and Current Status
- Relationships to CRS and Distribution

Origin-Destination Control: What Have We Learned? (PDF)


ePODS Work Session

- Presentation of Round 6 Input Strategies
- Results: Limited Fare Modifications


Summary: Airline Management Challenges

- Discussion of ePODS Lessons
- Relationship to Current Airline Industry Issues

Dibawah ini disampaikan judul2 mata kuliah dari MIT-OCW bidang Airline Schedul Planning



Lecture Notes

Microsoft® Powerpoint® software is recommended for viewing the .ppt files in this section. Free Microsoft® Powerpoint® viewer software can also be used to view the .ppt files.

Many of the lecture notes in this section are in Powerpoint® format in order to retain elements of animation.




Course Introduction and Overview
Airline Schedule Planning (PPT)


Optimizing Flows on Networks
Multi-commodity Flows (PPT)
Multi-commodity Network Flows: A Keypath Formulation (PPT)
Multi-commodity Flows, Linear and Integer (PPT)


The Passenger Mix Problem (PPT)


The Fleet Assignment Problem (PPT)


Crew Scheduling, the Aircraft Routing Problem, and the Integrated Crew Pairing-Aircraft Routing Problem
The Crew Scheduling Problem (PPT)
Aircraft Maintenance Routing (PPT)
The Extended Crew Pairing Problem with Aircraft Maintenance Routing (PPT)


Integrated Fleeting Models


The Schedule Design Problem (PPT)


Operations Recovery
Airline Operations - Lecture #1 (PDF)
Airline Operations - Lecture #2 (PDF)
Airline Operations - Lecture #3 (PDF)


Robust Scheduling
New Approaches to Add Robustness into Airline Schedules (PPT)

Dibawah ini disampaikan judul2 mata kuliah bidang Metoda2 Logistik dan perencanaan untuk transportasi.



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Lecture Notes

A Jogger's Problem (PDF)

Functions of Random Variables 1 (PDF)

Functions of Random Variables 2 (PDF)

Functions of Random Variables 3 (PDF)

Queueing Systems 1 (PDF)

Queueing Systems 2 (PDF)

Queueing Systems 3 (PDF)

Queueing Systems 4 (PDF)

Queueing Systems 5 (PDF)

Queueing Systems 6 (PDF)

Congestion Pricing (PDF)

Spatial Queues 1 (PDF - 1.6 MB)

Spatial Queues 2 (PDF)

Networks 1 (PDF)

Networks 2 (PDF)

TSP Heuristics (PDF)

Hi Mas Ardi Apa Khabar , Gimana masih di Jogja

Sedikit menambah, sesuai moderator kurang spesifik, mudah2an kalau saya nggak salah arah nya tentu dari segi teknis.

Untuk rute, sudah di jawab oleh Mas Leo. cuma mau menambah urutan / metoda nya:

Di UAE kalau kita memberi approval route baru seperti misalnya Emirates,
pertama mereka harus submit dulu airport (destinations approval) termasuk audit yang mereka laksanakan dan di verifikasi oleh Civil Authority, misalnya mau ke Patagonia Airpot, biasanya kita pelajari audit airportmya, dari mulai landasan, safety equipment, fire category, approach (VOR.ILS/GPS dll), termasuk fasilitas komunikasi di flight operations dan dokumen & record mereka dst dst ,biasanya operator menambah chek diluar safety, seperti passenger handling, ruang tunggu, transport dari ke airport, akomodasi crew (semua di audit & sebagian besar di verifikasi oleh civil aviation authority)

Setelah kita beri approval, maka Operations Specification yang merupakan bagian dari AOC (Air Operating Certificate) holder kita revisi untuk memasukan list of new airport setelah disetujui airport tsb laik dan legal utk dipakai.
Selanjutnya mereka akan propose Proving flight, umumnya utnuk airport yang category A (ref JAROPS/ CAROPS) sudah bisa langsung terbang, sedang category crew nya harus yang paling qulified & test di Simulator dulu supaya skill & knowledge nya siap.

Sedang untuk flight planning, database dari performance pesawat di upload ke program flight planning yang ada terrain dan bluechart (data maritm) ini untuk ETOPS (nanti ada cerita lagi utnuk ETOPS), dari sini dapat dihitung yang diceritakan Mas Leo, kalau satu mesin mati apa masih bisa jaga ketinggian dengan terrain, kita sebut yang namanya escape route, lalu airport alternate juga dihitung.

Sekira nya cukup menambah data anda untuk ngajar eh kalau masih lo?

Boeing 777 disertifikasikan utk boleh terbang 3 jam (180 menit) dengan 1 mesin tak berfungsi. Informasi lebih lanjut dapat dibaca dibawah ini




Extended Range Twin Engine Operations


It has now become part of everyday normal operations, for twin engine aircraft, to cross the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the deserts. I will in this article give some idea on how ETOPS works.

Most twin engine airliners are certified so that have to be able to fly normally within a hour of an airfield in the event of an emergency. That is not a problem normally in Europe, but over the Oceans and at night in Africa where airfields often close, this could present a problem. A set of rules were developed by the Civil Aviation Authorities of the world, to allow long distance flights with twin engine aircraft. Aircraft have to be built and designed with proven engines. Hours are fed back and monitored by Authorities and manufacturers. Before these operations commence the airline has to be certified and assessed as well.

The Atlantic Ocean for example could not be crossed with the normal hour restriction. It could be crossed with a two hour restriction, however vast areas would not be able to be crossed as they are outside of the range of some of the airports. For an airline to be able to cross the Atlantic on all daily routes would require at least 138 minutes certification . For flights from America to Hawaii would normally require 3 hours certification as Hawaii from the West Coast of the USA is 6 hours flying. Airlines not certified for more than 2 hours would have to route further North crossing nearer Iceland and Greenland.

How does this affect the Pilots ?

As stated in my previous article on flying the Atlantic , pilots will monitor where they are all the times. They will nominate three airfields where at a given time, the weather is above limits at the time they fly through the area . For example Shannon in Ireland, Keflavik in Iceland and St Johns in Canada . As stated Atlantic tracks change each day on route. The pilots get a copy of the tracks and use a plotting chart before the flight to plot the tracks .The pilots then draw arcs for the 3 airports which show the arcs where the ETOPS maximum range.


ETOPs ranges circles are based on a "declared" True Airspeed and are not adjusted for wind. However, actual "on the day" diversion times/fuels use actual winds - which may result in a diversion being longer than the operators approved time (120, 180, 207, minutes) but always within the maximum range circle distance.

The pilots then can work out which airport is closer to divert in an emergency. They then plot the mid track equal distance point in each sector ensuring it is within the ETOPS certified range.

See the diagram below please read it from bottom to top

Point A and B are Equal Distance Points

Each circle represents the permitted ETOPS range allowing for wind.

The pilots must ensure the aircraft is always within the ETOPS Range. Therefore an aircraft travelling from Europe at the bottom of the diagram would use Shannon as a diversion airfield until reaching point A. From point A until reaching point B Keflavik would be the diversion airfield and then on reaching point B ST Johns would be the diversion airfield. If the Oceanic Control Centre offered tracks not in the ETOPS range the Pilot should refuse.

For Flight Simulator we do not have plotting charts, but we can work out the midway point by using the GPS doing the following :-

Warning do not push the enter button or you will lose your flight plan . Or get an aircraft with a FMC then you can program these equal distance points in.

Push the direct to key on the GPS type in the airport ID it should give a heading and distance to the airport . Note the miles and time then repeat the process with the second airfield and note the distance. Obviously which ever is closer is your diversion airfield. Repeat this on a regular basis.

You therefore need to know the 4 letter ID of the three airports for the flights. It is suggested you use these three airports as standard. It gives you something to do whilst flying the Atlantic. To get yourself onto the Atlantic you can purchase charts from Aerad or Jeppesen. The links are on other parts of the flight school. There is also a North Atlantic Chart for you to purchase at Aerad.

One final note ETOPS often applies in Africa as some airfields close at night and the desert becomes the same as an ocean. Pacific and many other areas of the world require ETOPS considerations it is not only the Atlantic Ocean. Pilots apply this for a diversion airfield plan even when flying short haul using a similar method.

Before an aircraft goes on an ETOPS flight the aircraft has to be certified for the flight. The certificate lasts for one journey only it could allow an intermediate stop. Once the aircraft arrives at the final destination. Another inspection is made before the aircraft is re-certified for the return long distance leg. So an Aircraft could get its certificate issued at Luton for a Journey to Orlando allowing a stop at Newcastle Outbound.

The Boeing 777 is the first airliner to be built certified for 3 hour ETOPS on delivery date.

Dari sejarah perkembangan pesawat diawali dengan menggunakan mesin piston. Mesin piston ini ternyata rawan terhadap failure dikarenakan vibration. FAA sebagai aviation authority membatasi pesawat hanya 60 menit dari alternate airfield.

Setelah memasuki era mesin jet terbukti mesin turbine lebih sedikit vibrasi sehingga lebih reliable, sehingga FAA & ICAO membolehkan pesawat untuk terbang matanya lebih dari 60 menit dalam kondisi One Engine Inoperative.

Dalam ETOPS pesawat harus mendapatkan sertifikasi, engine- airframe pairing juga harus mempunyai failure rate yang rendah. Untuk ETOPS 180 failure harus kurang dari 1/100,000 jam operasi.

Selain itu airline harus mendapatkan sertifikasi juga dari aviation authority. Selain pilot & FOO, maintenance personel juga harus mendapatkan training untuk menghindari kesalahan yang sama terjadi pada dua engine.

Perlu juga diketahui bila suatu airline/pesawat mengalami engine failure rating ETOPSnya bisa diturunkan.

Lebih lengkapnya bisa baca di wikipedia :


Leo Yudianto Nugroho
ATP 737/MD80-90



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